Come As You Are
Are you struggling? Is your life a mess? Addicted? Unbelieving? Broken? Angry? Stuck in sexual sin? In lies? In alcohol? Have you hit rock bottom?
Jesus bids you to come. No strings attached. And he will give you rest.
In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
The invitation that Jesus extends to you is not, “Start doing what’s right and come to me and I will give you rest.”
The invitation is simply, “Come to Me. You can never do what is right. I will give you rest.”
In your sin. In your disgrace and shame. In your brokenness. He has grace enough for you. You don’t have to get better first. You don’t have to pay the price yourself. It’s OK to come as you are. He wont let you stay as you are, but he still bids you to come.
Come as you are.
This post is shared from One Christian Dad, a layman’s musings about christian things…